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Postpartum depression:the signs to recognize it

Being pregnant, giving birth, becoming a mother… What a change. If this new life is often synonymous with happiness, it happens that after childbirth, our mood is at its lowest . But really very very low. At the same time, life with a baby involves completely changing your daily life. An infant cries, it wakes us up at night, as a result, we are tired and we have less time for us. Suddenly, when we should be a fulfilled mother, we sink into a kind of depression. This is called "postpartum" depression and it is well known since according to a study carried out by Intima , 33% of women suffer from it.

Postpartum depression:what is it?

Some women feel guilty for feeling some form of sadness, or just not being happy after giving birth. As a result, they tend to repress their emotions, wrongly. According to the feminine care brand, 7 out of 10 moms admit that postpartum recovery is one of the most complicated emotional challenges that they have encountered. postpartum depression can result in mood swings, or even a feeling of loss of bearings. And if these symptoms are moral, there are also physical ones. For example, 52% observed a weight change .3 out of 5 women have had incontinence episodes after giving birth.66% also saw the condition of their perineum deteriorate. Clearly, all these small symptoms can lead to great discomfort after childbirth. This state is still too taboo, since22% of women who have had symptoms of postpartum depression think they were misdiagnosed by their obstetrician-gynecologist. This depression is the feeling of no longer belonging, both morally and physically, after giving birth.

Postpartum depression:how to recover?

The first and most important step in overcoming postpartum depression , is to talk about it. You should not be ashamed or feel guilty for feeling this after giving birth. Each woman is different and lives this stage in her own way. Once we become aware of our condition, there are some remedies to help us overcome it. For example, two days a week, you can entrust your infant to a loved one or a nurse, to find yourself alone (or with your other half) and take the opportunity to rest. You can also get closer to professionals, both for perineal rehabilitation , only to start losing weight . Thus, you will have the feeling of re-appropriating your body. Finally, alternative medicine , like lavender essential oils will be your allies to control your moods.