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A hot bath twice a week, the cure for depression?

"I don't believe in baptism, or the waters of the Jordan, or any of that, but I believe I have the same feelings for hot baths that believers have for holy water," wrote the American author. Sylvia Plath in her novel The Bell of Distress . Whether this is our case or not, it would seem that we should in any case review our opinion on the matter:the hot bath would have more positive effects than we think. According to a study conducted by researchers at the University of Freiburg and reported in the journal New Scientist , taking a hot bath at the end of the day would have a positive effect on the mood of depressed people, and this, more than physical activity!

A story of body heat

To arrive at these results, the researchers asked 45 people suffering from depression to do an experiment two evenings a week:they had to either take a bath at 40°C for 30 minutes, then relax for 20 minutes in a blanket. by drinking hot water, or doing 40 to 45 minutes of physical exercise. After 8 weeks, they were asked to rate their well-being and the verdict was quite clear:people who had the bath option said they felt better than those who had exercised. The reason ? The circadian rhythm, or the biological rhythm of the body, tends to be disturbed in depressed people. By acting on body temperature, we can re-adjust it and improve the quality of sleep, which is known to have a strong effect on mood. So, if we feel a bit sluggish, we take a bath bomb, light a candle and... the good bath is ours!