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"Aiming for a hot body":the coaching book to get fitter

Want a body who breathes health? In "Objectif un corps canon" just published by Leduc.s editions, Lucile Woodward, fitness teacher, sports coach, mother of two children, whose fitness blog is the most visited in France (just that), tells us to rebalance our diet, work on our cardio, build muscle and stretch, all in just 6 weeks!

"Many times (…) people tell me that they don't understand, because they eat a fairly balanced diet and yet they can't lose cellulite and have no energy:in fact, their body has put itself in "resistance" mode, one could also say in "vegetative" mode. And that's what needs to change:cause a kind of metabolic shock to restart the machine, because the body can no longer or does not want to burn calories anymore," she explains in her preface.

And to add:"To take an image, see your body as a factory to burn, which we will revive. You will be able to burn more calories, thanks to a food rebalancing and above all, thanks to the exercises which will allow you to have more muscle mass, a better distribution of the masses, with a progressively refined and more harmonious silhouette ". And how do we restart the machine?

The "Sacred" Program

And health is Sacred (not only because it's cool but because it also depends on our practice of Sport, our Diet, Cardio, Renfo and Emotions)

On the menu to work on all this? Menus, precisely, to eat a balanced diet throughout the week, with wholemeal bread for breakfast, chickpea salads and applesauce without added sugar for lunch, sheep's cheese for a snack or even a curry vegetarian and quinoa for dinner (simplicity, in short! phew).

On the sport side, plan 30 minutes 3 times a week (playable) with 30 minutes of stretching AND 1 hour of cardio per week (cycling, running, etc.).

A real supervised program that makes our body healthy and well-being. It almost makes us want to play sports!


> Lucile Woodward,Go for a hot body!, Leduc.s, 2015. Price:19 euros