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5 tips to get in the mood for sports

Do you almost have to drag yourself off the couch to exercise? Time for a change.

Ask yourself if it's time for another sport
The gym is not for everyone. The same goes for all other sports. Try some trial lessons of other sports. If you have found a sport that you really enjoy and that suits you, it is a lot easier to keep up with sports.

Challenge yourself
Sometimes you don't even realize that you are no longer being challenged. When you are no longer challenged, exercising is a lot less fun. Time to challenge yourself (again):add an extra element to your training, walk a longer distance or experiment with heavier weights.

Go exercise together
Make sports a social activity by working out with someone who shares your passions. Try out new things together and motivate each other.

Train for yourself
If you train because someone else thinks you should, it will be difficult to sustain. Train because you want to. Think about your goals and motivation. Why do you train and what do you want to achieve with it? Know why you're doing it.

Seek motivation (from others)
There are different ways to get and stay motivated. There is bound to be a way that suits you. Make an inspiration board on Pinterest, read blogs full of fitspiration, discuss your progress with friends or keep track of your progress in a journal or on a blog.

How do you motivate yourself to exercise?

Read also
> This way exercising remains fun
> Get out of the fitness rut ​​with these tips
> 3 tips to make time for sports