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7 tips for exercising in the freezing cold

All summer sports went well, but now that the temperature is approaching zero, it becomes more difficult. With these tips you can brave the freezing cold.

1. Wear the right clothes
You naturally warm up during exercise, but good clothing is nevertheless important. For example, wear a thermal layer and a headband. Provide lights when it's dark outside.

2. Start with a good warm up
Warm up your muscles inside. As a result, you are already warm before you go into the cold and that really makes a difference.

3. Train indoors now and then
You can find plenty of training courses on YouTube and in various apps. Occasionally replace an outdoor workout with an indoor workout. Or if you really mind exercising in the cold:look for an indoor sport.

4. Exercise with someone
An extra stick behind the door. After all, canceling just like that feels stupid. In addition, shared sorrow is half sorrow and you can catch up afterwards.

5. Have a purpose
If you have a clear goal in mind, it motivates you to train. Participating in a competition in the spring means that you have to train this winter.

6. Think of the feeling afterwards
The satisfaction afterwards makes it worth it.

7. Do a cooldown
Keep your clothes on until you get back inside.

Read also: Do you get injured faster when it's cold?