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3 tips to make time for sports

Starting this week, you have no more excuses. You just make time to exercise.

1. Put sports in your calendar
If your sport is not tied to a fixed day or time, it can be difficult to maintain. After all, tomorrow there is also a nice group lesson. Stop this procrastination and put sports on your agenda. No more making excuses not to go!

2. Change your habits
Don't flop home on the couch after work, but go exercise first. Or sleep in less at the weekend to start your day with a run or yoga class.

3. Start slow
Don't go from never exercising to exercising every day. Build it up and keep it realistic and organized. If necessary, start with 30 minutes of exercise twice a week. You can then slowly expand it.

Also read
> Exercising when you're (too) busy
> 3 reasons to start exercising now
> Keeping sport fun