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Smart sports plans

Every year, hundreds of people finally go back to the gym. A large part also gives up quickly. Make your sports goal SMART and increase the chance that you will make it this time.

Get started with our step-by-step plan and make your goals SMART:(Specific, Measurable, Acceptable, Realistic and Time-bound).

Personal trainer, lifestyle and mental coach Paul van 't Veld:'Describe your training plan in as much detail as possible:which gym do you go to, on which day, what are you going to do there, what time and with which instructor? Make an appointment to realize your training plan with yourself. Not with another. People often think that training with a friend helps to stay motivated, but in practice the opposite often turns out to be true. You should pursue your own goal, not someone else's.'

How often do you want to train and what is your goal? Do you want to lose weight or be able to run five kilometers in a certain time? “Set goals for yourself,” advises Paul, “and make sure those goals are measurable so you can track your progress. Seeing that you are progressing is motivating.'

'Every appointment you make with yourself comes with a price', Paul warns. “If you are away from home three evenings a week, that means you have less time for the home front or you may have to leave work earlier. Think about the consequences of your new sports plan and whether they are acceptable.'

Realistic Losing ten kilos in a week is not realistic and cycling for 45 minutes there and back to the gym every evening may not be either. Paul:‘There is a difference between what is achievable and what is realistic. If your goal is indeed to lose ten kilos, make a step-by-step plan. Divide the goal into smaller goals. Start with three kilos in a month and celebrate your small successes.”

Paul:'Agree times with yourself:what time will you exercise, how long will you exercise, and take into account the time you spend going to the gym, changing clothes, showering and cycling home again. Give a head and tail to your plan by making it clear how much time you spend on your intended training regime.'

Are your sports plans SMART?