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5 tips to pick up sports again

Have you slackened your sports regime during the summer holidays? Now is the time to start again.

Don't put it off any longer
You haven't exercised in so long, so you can miss tonight. A recognizable thought, but you keep procrastinating. Start, today!

Start slow
You can't hit it as hard as before your holiday. You don't want to get injured, so build it up slowly. Fortunately, there is such a thing as muscle memory, you really don't start all over again.

Evaluate your exercise habits
How did the sports go before the holidays? Is it time for a new training schedule, or maybe even a new sport? It's the start of a new season, many gyms are offering extra free trial lessons and/or registration discounts.

Create a training plan
Setting yourself a goal and making a plan to work towards it will keep you going. You can choose a race or competition to train for. Make sure you have enough time to train for it.

Go together
Bring a friend, maybe that will reduce the barrier to actually go again.

Did you exercise this summer?