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4 tips to pick up sports again

The first Monday of the year is a black monday at the gym; Busy! But what if you don't really like the taste? With these tips you can start exercising again after the weird December rhythm.

Evaluate your exercise habits
How has sports been in recent months? What do you like doing and what do you dislike? What motivates you? By thinking about the answers to these questions, you can try to get the best out of yourself from now on.

Set goals
Do you exercise because you enjoy it, or do you want to achieve something? Put your goals on paper and maybe even grab your agenda to pre-register for a competition that is taking place soon.

Take action
Yes, it's good to think about your fitness goals, but it's even more important to just take action. Dust off your sports shoes, sign up for a sports lesson or finally take a trial lesson at a new association and go for it.

Track your progress This is especially important if you have a sports goal. Don't have a sports goal? Even then it can be motivating to see that you are making progress.

Read also
> Motivation tips for continuing to exercise in the winter
> The advantage of exercising (almost) every day
> 5 ways to exercise more often this week