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Pick up sports again

You realize that you haven't exercised in two weeks. With these tips you can pick it up again.

Make a plan
What training goal did you have? Does it still make sense and is it realistic? Adjust your training goal and plan if necessary. Put sports in your agenda and keep this appointment with yourself.

Find a trainer
Especially when you are going to do new exercises, it is important to train with a trainer. He or she can explain the exercises and techniques. It is a waste to spend your time on incorrectly performed exercises.

Train for yourself
If you train because someone else thinks you should, it will be difficult to sustain. Train because you want to and because you like it.

Do something you enjoy
Okay, the gym might not be for you. That's no shame. There are plenty of other sports out there and there's bound to be something you like:swimming, yoga, roller skating, volleyball, fencing. Most sports associations are happy to offer you a trial lesson.

Seek motivation (from others )
Read blogs from active women, discuss your training schedule with friends or go sports together. You can get and stay motivated in different ways. Discover the way that suits you.

Read also
> This way exercising remains fun
> Get out of the fitness rut ​​with these tips
> 3 tips to make time for sports