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4 sports hairstyles

We usually don't look our best when sporting and we think that's fine, but we are in favor of a nice haircut that is also practical!

1. Wear a hat
For some sports, a cap is ideal. You hold your hair fairly in place. In winter, a hat or beanie is also possible, so you immediately keep your head warm.

2. Braid your hair
One or more braids will keep your hair out of your face and it will stay put. You can also braid just the front of your hair and tie the rest of your hair in a ponytail.

3. The (high) knot
A bun is not just for ballerinas. This hairstyle is doing well on the red carpet, so why not at the gym? All your hair is gone from your neck, so it's also a nice haircut against a sweaty neck.

4. Use accessories
A headband, sweatband or bandana keeps your hair out of your face and it looks sporty.

4 sports hairstyles