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Sports:against it

We like to make the best use of the time we exercise. 5 tips to deal with it (extra efficiently) during exercise.

Eat and drink
Your body needs energy. Make sure you have eaten something beforehand and bring a bottle of water with you.

Start with something fun
Start with the exercises or routines you enjoy. That gives you energy and with that you also guide yourself through the less fun exercises.

Sport when it's calm
When you go to the gym, it makes a huge difference to go at a quiet moment. No crowds in the dressing room and no queues for the equipment. Delicious and efficient.

Chat later
To get the most out of it, save the chatting for later.

Combine workouts
Go for a run outside as a warm-up before going to the gym, or go for a row or spin after your group class.

How do you get the most out of sports?