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A commercial break lasts a few minutes. Handy to grab a bag of chips during that time, but it's better to use the time well by doing some exercises.

You do get some extra exercise during your lazy TV evening. Every bit helps. See below which exercises you can do during a commercial break.

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The superman pose
The superman pose is good for your core stability. You start lying on your stomach. Extend your arms forward, your thumbs pointing toward the ceiling. Slowly bring your arms back out to the side. Keep your thumbs pointing up while you keep your gaze on the ground.

Sports in advertising

Mountain climbers
There are countless variants of the shelf. A spicy variant in the mountain climber. Alternately pull your legs up to your chest, as if you were climbing a mountain. Make sure you don't raise or lower your buttocks.

Sports in advertising

Jumping squats
If you do enough jumping squats during commercial breaks, you will automatically get a tight butt;-) Also read how to make a squat.

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Jumping lunges
Jumping lunges are good for your legs. Step forward with one leg, keeping your knee at a 90-degree angle above your foot. Then jump up and repeat the exercise with your other leg.

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Train the triceps
Use the bench to train your triceps. Push yourself up slowly and carefully lower yourself back down.