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Sports on a busy day

No time to exercise? It's a common excuse. With these tips you will also be able to get enough exercise on the busiest days.

During your morning ritual
– Get up a little earlier so that you can exercise before starting your day.
– Do squats while brushing your teeth.
– While blow-drying your hair, take turns lifting your knees or lifting one leg.

To and from work
– Park your car a little further away.
– Get off the bus one stop earlier.
– Go to the toilet on another floor.
– Mail less and visit colleagues more often to get something to discuss.
– Make a phone call outside whenever possible and keep moving along the way. Also good for vitamin D.

In between
– Go shopping by bike.
– Still found some free minutes? Go skipping ropes.
– Find a short workout video on YouTube. GO!

What are your tips for exercising as much as possible on a busy day?