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Facts &myths about sports and fitness

If you want to lose weight, fitness training is better than strength training. True or False? Marije from Fitness Bible for Women explains three statements about sport this week.

Marije: I think it makes sense to present you three important statements this week and give you the correct answer. Facts and fables that still cause a lot of confusion within fitness land.

You will lose weight by training at a lower intensity
FABLE! You burn the most calories by exercising intensively. It is also better to train intensively because your post-burn lasts longer. Your muscles need more time to recover =more calories burned. And not entirely unimportant; By exercising intensively you become fitter and stronger than if you walk slowly, for example on the treadmill. Are you fitter and stronger? Then you can train even more intensively, which increases the calorie consumption per training session!

HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is better than endurance training
FACT! Do you want fast results? To lose weight? Follow a HIIT regularly and you will go like a rocket! Studies show that you use 50% more energy during a HIIT than when you train at a lower intensity. The new trend GRIT (from Les Mills), is a fantastic lesson where you see results in no time.

If you want to lose weight, fitness training is better than strength training
FABLE! By doing strength training you train combustion at rest. Muscles that are stronger burn more calories, even when you're sleeping! Good to know:Yoga (and Pilates) forms are also great ways to do strength training.

POWERRRRR ladies and gentlemen)! Work hard and make strength and interval training a part of your weekly exercise program and you'll be on your way!

Take care!


Facts &myths about sports and fitness

Marije de Vries (1981) is an entrepreneur and works as a trainer and coach within the fitness industry and the business community. With a change program she developed, she helps thousands of men, women and employees make the transition to an ideal lifestyle every year.

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