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Sports on vacation

When you go on vacation, your training schedule doesn't have to stand still. 5 tips for training on holiday.

1. Take your sports shoes with you on holiday
Having no shoes with you is the best excuse not to exercise. So just put those shoes in your suitcase and you'll have one less excuse.

2. Go for a run through nature
Along the beach, through the woods, along the lake… On holiday you find yourself in a beautiful new environment, where you can enjoy running (or walking!). The new surfaces can challenge you even more, so don't make your first round too big.

3. Sports at your hotel
Some luxury hotels offer a gym for a fee. Or maybe you can use the space of the adjacent hotel. Furthermore, the swimming pool is of course ideal for swimming laps and your room on the sixth floor can of course be reached… by the stairs!

4. Put some handy sports accessories in your suitcase
A skipping rope, a hoop (which you can take apart) or resistance bands take up little space in your suitcase and are a good basis for a healthy workout.

5. Sign up for a competition
If you participate in a competition that takes place just after the summer, you have an extra good stick behind the door for training.