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These will be the sports trends in 2017

Ready for something new in the field of sports, or do you stick with the old? This list will give you inspiration for innovation.

The Worldwide Survey of Fitness Trends annually analyzes the fitness trends for the coming year. We highlight a number of trends. Curious about the whole list?

1. Wearables
In 2016, wearables were number one and that will not change for 2017. From activity trackers to smartwatches and GPS trackers. Experts expect that their sales will (continue to) increase enormously. It is difficult to predict how technology will develop in the coming years, but there is undoubtedly much more to come in this area.

2. Training with your body weight
Last year, this trend was number two on the list. The funny thing is:people have been training with their own body weight for centuries, but in recent years it has been given a new look by sports clubs and is sold in a different way.

HIIT has been indispensable in sports for a while now. HIIT consists of short intervals and that is what makes it effective. However, the opponents claim that the risk of injuries is extra high as a result.

4. Professionals in the sports world
More and more value is being attached to professionals:people in the sports world with the right diplomas, certificates and quality marks. Personal training can still be found in the trend list.

5. Strength training
Strength training remains popular. A stronger body helps you move forward in daily life and as a result more and more people see the benefits of personal training.

6. Group training
Training is increasingly taking place in groups (more than five people). You have already seen this in group classes such as Zumba or Pilates, but you are now seeing more and more group training for other sports. Personal training in groups of up to five people is still done. After all, not everyone has the money for a personal trainer. By putting together a group, you spread the costs and it is a lot more fun.

7. Yoga
In 2008, yoga was in the top 20 of sports trends for the first time. Since then, yoga has changed places in the list every year. The sport continues to innovate and that ensures that yoga always conquers a place in the list.

8. Fitness programs for the elderly
With the aging population, it is logical that there are more and more fitness programs that specifically target the elderly. Another advantage is that the elderly have time to exercise during the day, when many sports halls are empty.

9. Functional fitness
Functional fitness is the use of strength training to, for example, improve your strength, coordination or balance.

10. Outdoor Activities
Hiking, canoeing, kayaking… Outdoor sports are becoming increasingly popular. This is often done on vacation or at the weekend, but there are more and more group training courses that focus on outdoor sports.

Curious to what extent the list differs from the previous list? These were the sports trends for 2016.