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We tested for you:Fit’it, the eBook sports training program

FIT IT' is a complete sports training program for men and women to practice their sport... from home. Created by Sebastien Hirsch, sports coach and fitness expert, it spans 12 weeks of training, presents numerous exercises (138 pages!) to melt AND build muscle, offers Fititeuses and Fititeurs a dynamic online community to motivate each other and share progress. And to boost the motivation and the results, from this Sunday, June 28, 4 sessions (at 10 euros) will take place outdoors in Paris... In addition, half of your participation will be donated to the association Imagine For Margo – Children without Cancer.

Intrigued, I gave it a try. The lazy person that I am has died...but in front of the results, the spark "motivation" was lit! Because I realized, after having tried several methods in vain, that my body was not doomed to be all soft and devoid of muscles but that it could indeed look like what I wanted (and which is good for him)! So, for my part, I intend to continue...

How does it work?

During these 12 weeks of training, you will sweat for 30 minutes from Monday to Saturday inclusive. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday, you will have to complete 3 circuits illustrated in photos, as quickly as possible (this is what the stars do to be on top!). The circuits change depending on the day, the week, and work the whole body, or the bottom, or the top, or the abs... In short, everything goes.

Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, it's cardio! Clearly, you go for a half-hour run, alternating between normal jogging and fast running. Me, I opted for the formula 10 mn "normal", 10 mn mixed (30 seconds of running, 30 seconds "normal" or walking, alternated for 10 mn), then 10 mn "normal" on the return (where I hear Rocky's music every time. "Yes, I DID IT!")

For whom?

For those who are sufficiently motivated to free themselves for 40 minutes each day (ok, the training is 30 minutes but the time we put on our outfit and then take our shower with our tongue hanging out, we add at least 10 !). Morning or end of the day after work? Up to you ! For my part, I opted for the morning, and this for two reasons:1 / in the evening, my level of laziness reaches 100% and 2 / Even if it forces me to wake up earlier, it gives me strange more energy for the day and boosts my morale, because I feel very proud (hihi)…

For those who are in good shape. The program is very intensive so if you've been super tired the last few days or you've just recovered from a bad flu, now is not the time.

For those who know how to listen. The intensity surprised me:as Sebastien Hirsch reminds us, you have to give your maximum but also not go beyond the limits of your body. Because 1/ We risk getting hurt and 2/ Our motivation risks plummeting. This is why during the first cardio sessions, I preferred to replace the 10 min "mixed" run/normal by 10 min "mixed run/walk". Otherwise I think my heart would have told me Bye, Bye! Ditto for the first Thursday:I was basically tired, so I preferred to jump that day and get up later, without feeling guilty. And I was right because despite that, the program really worked!

For those who want amazing results. In two weeks, my body has clearly changed! Just after the first week, I discovered muscles that I did not know. Despite all my efforts, my shoulders refused to build muscle and since then, I have small biscotos (not to mention my now hard abs - when I contract, at least - and hams that serve as my legs that have become slimmer)! So yes, my scale showed at one point almost 2 kg more! Yet my reflection and my jeans clearly told me that I had slimmed down. And this new muscle (which weighs heavier) has eaten away at my fat. So for me to look like an American star, there is still a long way to go, but here I am better than ever in my body, and that suits me greatly!

For those who want to be amazed by themselves. In terms of sport, I have always lacked the will. Seeing the program, and telling myself that we were not directly followed by the coach, I told myself that I was going to give up very quickly... And in fact, I held on... and I want to continue thoroughly! Because during training, I not only discovered that my body could also be muscular and dynamic, but also that I could be my own coach. This is why this program is excellent:very well organized, very clear and without fuss, it leaves room for our inner coach (and our muscles) to wake up while giving us motivation via the networks. Nickel!

So if you want an overview of the Fititeurs results and register for this Sunday, go to the Fit It' Facebook page!

> Price:44 euros
