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No time? No sense!

Marije:'When people tell me that they don't have time (e.g. to exercise, eat healthy), I know that they actually mean that they don't feel like it.'

You have to make time, cliché but true. If you really think something is important, you will make time for it.

Feel versus say
Only when you feel that something has to change do you take action. When you feel it, an emotion is released. If you say it purely with your mind, without imagination (you slim in front of the mirror), or emotion (the enthusiastic feeling that this imagination gives you), your motivation is insufficient to really make it work.

Really want something? The motivation is so strong that you want to start right away! TRUE!

And now?
Do you have to wait for the drop to overflow? Nope.

Do this:
1. Visualize your goal and let yourself be motivated by the feeling you get.

2. Cut off the phase where you start negotiating with yourself right away.
That phase usually starts a long time in advance. Then you have to exercise in the evening and in the afternoon you think:'There is something nice on TV, should I go or not, maybe I'll go an hour later. I can also go tomorrow, then I can see that movie.” If you hear yourself thinking like that, cut it off and use such a moment to confirm your intention.

3. Organization is the most important. MAKE TIME and stick to your schedule.

Change is a choice
There is no such thing as time, no meaning does. It is your choice whether it fits (now) into your life to change this.

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No time? No sense! Marije de Vries (1981) runs a business and works as a trainer and coach within the fitness industry and business. With a change program she developed, she helps thousands of men, women and employees make the transition to an ideal lifestyle every year. Every week she writes a blog for Santé.

Marije's book Fitness Bible for women is now available to order. Also look at

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