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Get out of the fitness rut

4 signs your fitness routine has gotten into a rut. Including the four solutions to do something about it.

Signal 1:You are no longer making progress
Where in the beginning you made leaps and bounds every few workouts, now you haven't been able to break your personal running record for weeks. And that fitness training no longer seems to have any effect.

The solution: Ask for advice at the gym or hire a personal trainer. You can also hire a personal trainer with a group of friends. That happens more and more these days. It reduces costs, it is fun and you learn from each other.

Signal 2:You are less and less interested Every day you have a different excuse not to go:dinner, bad weather, a new episode of your favorite series. Exercise has fallen to the bottom of your priority list.

The solution: Ask yourself what the real problem is. How come you don't feel like it? Maybe it's time to try a new sport or join a gym where you feel more comfortable.

Signal 3:You stop earlier and earlier
Where you previously did 3 sets of exercises, you now have difficulty achieving 2 sets. There is a good chance that this indicates that you are in a rut.

The solution: Take a few days off from exercise. This gives your body the chance to recover from previous training sessions and you also get some rest mentally. Then you can go back to it with fresh courage. Also take a close look at your diet.

Signal 4:You keep looking at the clock
If your eyes keep wandering to the clock, you're not even working out really hard.

The solution: Time to spice things up a bit. Compile a new playlist and see if that helps. If not, it may be time to make some major changes to the exercises you do or replace them with other exercises. Swap the treadmill for a run outside.

Read also:
> Try a new sport
> 5 reasons to do a gentle workout
> 6 tips to keep sports fun