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The pitfalls of fitness!

Confession:Fitness Bible for Women-live coach Marije confesses in her third column that she finds fitness boring. It is also difficult to maintain. But how do you ensure that you exercise motivated? Marije tells it in her third column.

Personally, I hope when someone comes to me and says:'I want to go to the gym', that he or she will walk towards the group class room almost immediately. Because let's be honest, fitness=boring! Yes, even I think so.

Fitness is great for shaping your body, don't get me wrong, but you really need an iron discipline to train independently. Okay, that sometimes works, but do you also have the discipline to go all the way? To really see it? Do the exercises neatly and complete all repetitions? No, I do not think so. I think you stop when you don't feel like it anymore and stop the exercises sooner if it starts to hurt.

But there are more reasons why many women (and men) just fail to stay motivated and therefore fail to achieve results.

The pitfalls of independent training in the fitness
She has no idea what to do.
She thinks she's doing it right.
She stops when it gets really tough.
She trains the same lap for too long. Doesn't vary often enough, no idea how to do that...
She doesn't do a test or measurement.
She doesn't allow herself to be measured and evaluated every six to eight weeks.
She doesn't set goals.

When you participate in Fitness Bible for Women-Live you will learn what to do so that your sports career does not become another failure.

Note: you don't have to be a member of a sports club. The above-mentioned pitfalls apply to everything and everyone who decides to live a healthier life.

The biggest reason for failure is that you start working independently. So never do it again!


Fitness Bible For Women-Live starts in November. You can sign up for free via the Fitness Bible For Women website.