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5 tips for running on the beach

Running on the beach is a good change from your regular running laps. It's a lot heavier, so watch out for injuries. These are a number of points to consider when you go for a run on the beach.

1. Pay attention to the background

On soft ground, your muscles have to work harder to keep you in balance. The risk of injury is therefore greater. Running on the edge of the surf is ideal; the sand is wet and therefore firmer, your muscles are put to work hard, but not as hard as on dry sand.

2. Stay on a flat surface

Bumps and bumps increase the risk of injury.

Read also: Losing weight through running, how does it work?

3. Don't walk too long

You probably don't notice immediately that your muscles are working harder. The next day, on the other hand... So don't run too long, especially if you're not used to running on the beach.

4. Go in the morning or in the evening

In the summer, don't run at the hottest time of the day. It's too hot and you probably don't feel like jumping over all the sandcastles.

5. Apply sunscreen

Always apply a product with SPF to exposed skin while running.

6. Try walking barefoot once

Running barefoot on the beach is a completely different experience. It is more intensive and good for building strength. Don't just start barefoot running, but alternate running and walking in the beginning. Watch out for sharp shells and stones.