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9 months &me:the app for a relaxing pregnancy

What is it?

It is a free application for iPhone, downloadable from the App Store and developed by Gallia with the help of doctors, midwives and gynecologists. She accompanies us until Junior points the tip of his micro nose. The app starts on the 15th day of pregnancy.

How does it work?

We download the app (here!) and we enter the expected date of our delivery. A countdown is on, but no stress.

What does it bring me?

Varied content every day, which we choose to consult according to the themes. Far from the signposted route, future mothers are not obliged to consult the app every morning at 8:30 am. We go there as soon as we have a free moment:in the evening on the way home, on the sofa with Bob, with Martine on the terrace sipping a Perrier, in the bus in the morning, in short when the desire pecks our fingers.

Content by theme

Several times a month in the "My pregnancy" content, we glean information on health, the progress of our pregnancy and on administrative appointments to be made. From when does he hear? When does he start fidgeting? The "My Baby" content gives us our answers and reviews her development and weight gain.

Relaxation exercises

The app offers us relaxation exercises, stretching and massages that are just right! Time to put Bob to work…

Interactive experiences

Who has never wanted to know how the shrimp feels in our belly? In the third and sixth months of pregnancy, we can leave him a 20-second message ("your daddy is a little freaked out but he can't wait to meet you") ("well ok, I'm not being too saucy either") that we listen again with the modified sound to become aware of what he really hears. We can also have fun seeing the (fuzzy) image that mini Junior will have of us at birth.

Practical advice

It's not easy to prepare for the arrival of a baby. Walls in yellow? White? Orange? Do it yourself, moms blogs, books, we find a lot of ideas to help us manage with the future dad. A nutrition, health or other question? 9 months &me allows us to contact a midwife for any type of question, either by requesting a callback or by email!

Make your movie

And that's great. We frequently take photos of our stomachs, in the same position, and the images come to life. The 9 months often pass quickly (or not enough for some!), so what could be better than keeping the memory of our belly growing, growing, growing…

But since we are not going to reveal everything to you, we let those interested discover the experience...

Have a nice trip!