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A hot bath is as good for the body as a workout

If you were given the choice, after a long day of work, would you rather do an hour of sport or stay an hour in a nice hot bath? We bet that a large majority (including us!) would opt for the hot bath, while telling themselves that we will go to the sport tomorrow... Well yes, it's not a bath that will give us a dream body for this summer. What if now we told you that this same hot bath could have the same effects (or almost) as an hour of sport? Doubts? U.S. too. And yet, researchers from the University of Loughborough (England) have just unveiled the results of a study demonstrating this.

Not a replacement for sport

The study observed two groups of men, separated into two groups:the first had to pedal at moderate speed for an hour, while the second were immersed in a hot bath (40 ° C). Verdict? After an hour, both groups had burned the same number of calories and the scientists saw a drop in blood sugar levels in all participants. The explanation is simple:extreme heat (just like cold) increases heart rate and activates the circulation system. However, we should not rejoice too quickly:the American doctor Frank Lipman explained that a hot bath or a sauna cannot replace physical exercise (tssss, that would have been too easy!). On the other hand, they have positive effects on health, especially the heart and stress, and are perfect as a complement to an active lifestyle.

Well, we're not going to cancel our gym membership right away so…