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Short workout for your whole body

With these five exercises you train your entire body. If you do this every day, you'll be in top shape later.

1. Jumping lunge
Shape the back of your legs (hamstrings) and your buttocks.
Place your feet hip-width apart and keep your elbows bent at your sides at a 90-degree angle. Then step forward with one foot, keeping your upper body straight and try not to let your knee extend past your toes. Then come back up with a jump, raising your arms and switching legs. Repeat this about fifteen to twenty times.

2. Side shelf
Boosts your entire core, especially your side abs.
Lean on your left forearm and place your right hand on your side. Keep your body as straight as possible, creating a straight line from your neck to your ankles. Then bring your left knee forward. Hold for about thirty seconds and switch sides.

3. Burpees
Trains almost your entire body; your legs, arms, chest, back and abs.
Stand up straight with your feet together at hip width † Then bend your knees as if you were doing a squat. Place your hands on the floor and stretch your legs back. Then immediately bend them back and jump up, keeping your arms above your head.

4. Push up
Strengthen your pecs, shoulders and triceps.
Place your hands on the floor a little further than shoulder-width apart. Lean on your hands and toes, keeping your body in a straight line. Your elbows are slightly bent. Then slowly lower yourself to the floor, trying to keep your body straight. Hold for a second without touching the ground, then come back up. Repeat these exercises five to ten times. Tired of your wrists † Place two dumbbells on the floor and put your hands on them.

5. Mountain climber
Trains your buttocks and stomach.
Start in push-up stance and put your hands a little further than shoulder-width apart. Keep your body straight as you bring your right knee toward your chest. Then return to the starting position and then switch legs. Repeat this exercise fifteen to twenty times. Make sure you perform the exercise slowly; the most important thing is that your posture remains good.

Set your alarm fifteen minutes earlier than usual each day and repeat the circuit as many times as you can. If necessary, use these dumbbells .