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Hyperglycemia:the signs to look out for

Hyperglycemia (too high blood sugar) does not only affect people with diabetes. On the contrary ! By consuming too many sweet products such as sodas, sweets, cakes, etc. we unconsciously expose ourselves to serious health problems. Fortunately, there are signs that can alert us to too high blood sugar levels. The phenomenon is actually quite common. When insulin is not enough or effective enough to regulate the level of glucose in the blood, then it causes an explosion in blood sugar. Not necessarily synonymous with diabetes, several signs allow us to be alarmed about an accumulation of sugar in the blood:dry mouth, constant feeling of thirst and hunger, frequent urge to urinate, skin dryness and itching, weight gain, concentration problems , vision problems, recurring infections, stomach problems, slow healing of wounds and cuts, nerve problems or even physical weakness.

Watch your diet

In order to avoid hyperglycemia, it is essential to watch what you eat. Not eating too many sweet foods is not enough, it is important to learn about the glycemic index of the products we consume. The GI is a numerical index that classifies foods according to the glycemic elevation they produce when they are consumed (from 0 to 100 knowing that 100 represents the foods that increase the sugar level in our blood the most). Foods are often divided into three categories, those with a high (70 to 100), moderate (55 to 69) or low (0 to 54) glycemic index. In order to lose weight, remedy hyperglycemia or simply improve your diet, it is advisable to consume foods with a low or moderate GI. For example, eggs, broccoli, onions, many fruits, peas, beans or yogurts without added sugar have a very good GI. On the contrary, white flour, biscuits, potatoes, bread and rice cakes are high GI foods and therefore to be consumed in moderation.

Well, we have been warned! We do not hesitate to spread the message and talk to his doctor if necessary.