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A connected T-shirt detects respiratory diseases

In the world of connected health, scientific discoveries never end... After the patch replacing the blood test, the application helping to better manage asthma or the socks measuring the temperature of diabetics, here is the connected t-shirt to detect possible respiratory diseases. Designed by researchers at the University of Laval in Quebec, this 3.0 t-shirt captures the respiratory rate in real time. This new connected tool could therefore be very useful for monitoring respiratory health, especially for people suffering from asthma or sleep apnea, for example.

How does it work?

The t-shirt, made of cotton, is made up of a sensor fitted with optical fibers attached to the chest. There are therefore no wires or electrodes. The respiratory rate is analyzed thanks to the movements of the fibers during inspiration and the data is then transmitted immediately to the patient's telephone or computer. For the moment, the connected t-shirt is only at the prototype stage but it could, in the near future, diagnose possible respiratory diseases. It may be important to specify that the garment is machine washable without damaging the device. Here's another great invention!