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Google imagines a connected bathroom

Has been the connected watch? According to Google, the future of connected health will go through the bathroom:the Mountain View firm indeed filed a patent application at the end of July to present its connected bathroom project, which goes further than the personal assistant. Home. The idea:to make each object or piece of furniture in the bathroom a connected object, the data of which could then be used for medical purposes. Not stupid!

Sensors in objects

The project of the American giant is quite clear:it is a question of equipping each object of the bathroom (from the bath mat to the shower, passing by... the seat of the toilets, yes, yes!) of sensors capable of detecting variations in the user's health parameters and to warn in the event of an anomaly. Concretely, each object would have a different function:the mirror would be responsible for checking the tone of the skin (and determining the blood volume), the bath mat could detect the heartbeat, the toilet seat would assess blood pressure, the bathtub would be able to assess the movements of the internal tissues… in short, we would be scanned from head to toe, and the reports of anomalies would be sent directly to our attending physician, who would be better able to understand them.

Still at the project stage

So, the connected bathroom, an intrusive or brilliant idea? We are still hesitating... Of course, the possibility of doing a daily medical check-up is tempting, but will the sensors be really reliable? And what will Google do with the data collected? Anyway, the idea is only at the patent stage (which would allow Google to prevent another company from stealing the idea). There is no doubt, however, that it is likely to inspire the major players in the connected health sector. In any case, in the near future, it is at the doctor's that we do this regular check-up. Boring ? We find that rather reassuring...