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If we get up at night to go to the bathroom, it may be due to the salt

Getting up every night (or even several times a night) to go to the bathroom, a familiar situation? This disorder is called nocturia and becomes more common with age, however, it is not uncommon for younger people to suffer from it. And it's a real handicap:it's hard to get quality sleep when you're awake regularly. Japanese researchers have looked into the matter and implicated a hitherto neglected element:salt, the excessive consumption of which could be a major cause of this disorder.

Decrease salt intake

For 3 months, researchers from the University of Nagasaki (Japan) followed 321 volunteers suffering from nocturia and consuming a lot of salt. 2/3 of the people were asked to reduce their salt intake (from 10.7 g per day to 8 g). Verdict? On average, these people went to the bathroom half as often per night, which is not nothing (and this observation was confirmed during the day). Conversely, the researchers asked 98 volunteers to increase their consumption and the results were not long in coming:they felt the need to pee during the night in a significant way. Dr. Matsuo Tomohiro, in charge of the study, said:“This is the first study that shows the impact of salt on the frequency of the need to urinate, it must be confirmed with larger studies. […] This suggests that a simple change in diet can significantly improve the quality of life for many people. »

In any case, it costs nothing to reduce our salt intake a little, just to see…