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Singing in a group would reduce anxiety

Whether you do it in the shower, in your living room or on a stage, singing allows you to release your emotions, maintain your breath, relax, develop your self-confidence, assert yourself and even build muscle. (yes, yes, it's proven!). Researchers from the University of East Anglia (United Kingdom) have also looked into the many benefits of singing, and have shown that singing a song in a group would help people suffering from anxiety, or even depression, to to feel better. So, leaving for the choir?

Develop self-confidence

For this study, the British researchers followed the participants of the Sing Your Heart Out workshop, which has offered group singing sessions every week since 2005. And the results are rather encouraging, since amateur singers would feel much less anxious and above all, happier! Crazy no? According to the scientists, these courses would allow volunteers to promote their social integration by developing their sense of belonging within a group. At stake ? Strengthened self-confidence and a feeling of harmony in everyday life. Finally, another study, published in the British Medical Journal , affirms that vocalizations would even limit snoring and promote sleep, which also contributes to well-being.

Clearly, if you are not a big fan of yoga or meditation, you can always sing!