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Underwear:6 mistakes not to make

Whether we like them minimalist and comfortable or more elaborate, underwear is an item that women often choose with great care. If there are no rules in the field except that of selecting the appropriate size, there are still some mistakes to avoid in order to maintain good vaginal health. Octavia Cannon, the vice president of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, talks about the top 6. We take note!

Keep your underwear on after training

After a good exercise session, we hasten to put on a bra and panties in the dirty (after a good shower, who wants to put their wet underwear back on anyway?). “Bacteria and fungi thrive in a warm, moist and dark environment,” explains the expert. This is enough to convince you once and for all to bring a fresh spare to the gym!

Wearing refined materials

It's not bad, of course, but elaborate underwear should be worn for special occasions, unless the crotch portion is cotton. Breathable cotton is indeed the texture to favor for every day:it wicks away moisture, which considerably reduces the risk of infection. And contrary to popular belief, cotton can also be sexy!

Putting on panties

It is sometimes the emergency solution when you are short of clean underwear:you take the one that overlooks the pile of dirty laundry and you think that it will do for a day. But unless the panties in question are impeccable, this is a gesture not to be made because, as with sweat-soaked underwear, dirty underwear is also a breeding ground for bacteria and can cause infections.

Wear only thongs

It's convenient, it's sexy, but it's not the best thing for good vaginal health. The string can transfer E. coli type bacteria from the buttocks parting to the vagina (well ok, we have seen more glamor) especially when the thong shifts slightly when you sit down, for example. If you swear by this type of underwear, then it is better to make sure that it is cotton, to change it every day and to sleep without it. Women who regularly suffer from infections should switch to panties or boxers, according to the specialist.

Wearing undergarments that are too small

Underwear that is too tight, that is, that leaves marks on the skin, can also cause infections and irritations. Sizes can vary from one brand to another, which is why it is better to trust your feelings:the panties must be adjusted and comfortable.

Use a scented detergent

If you suffer from itching, it may be the fault of your laundry. Octavia Cannon recommends choosing a gentle fragrance-free laundry detergent and opting for scented dryer wipes (supposed to soften the laundry) for the sake of your skin, which is ultra-sensitive in the crotch area.

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