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Successful holidays with your grandchildren:4 mistakes not to make!

Successful holidays with your grandchildren:4 mistakes not to make!

The holidays are approaching and you are looking forward to receiving your grandchildren and spending special moments with them. Babysitting your grandchildren is always a pleasure, but you still have to make sure you put all the assets on your side so that these holidays spent together are a real success. Our advice, and above all the 4 mistakes not to make so as not to ruin your holidays with your grandchildren.

Not anticipating the arrival of your grandchildren for the holidays

The arrival of your grandchildren for the holidays is approaching. You are excited at the idea of ​​seeing them again and finally being able to spend long moments with them. Nothing more normal !

But to spend a successful holiday with your grandchildren, don't forget to prepare for their arrival, especially if you don't have them on duty so often. Ask your children about your grandchildren's habits, food preferences, bedtime rituals, etc.

With all these little secrets in hand, you are assured that your holidays will go as smoothly as possible, to be able to respond to all the requests of your grandchildren, to console them, or even reassure them if necessary.

Planning too many activities for your grandchildren

All grandparents are delighted to spend part of the holidays with their grandchildren, especially when they are not seen often the rest of the year.

The temptation of grandparents is often great in this case to do everything so that the cherubim do not get bored and do not regret spending time with their ancestors. Of course, children need to be busy at the risk of hearing them say, all day long, that they are bored... But providing them with a minister's diary during the holidays is not a good solution either. !

First, to preserve yourself and not exhaust yourself unnecessarily. We know it well, looking after your grandchildren during the holidays is not always easy.

So, it is better to choose with them only a few outings or walks in places that they enjoy (and you too) to be sure to please them, rather than running to the right and left non-stop throughout the vacation. spent with your grandchildren, with the danger of boring them, tiring them and hearing them complain!

Not giving your grandchildren enough freedom

During the holidays spent with them, grandparents want to enjoy their grandchildren to the fullest, and that's normal. This is the perfect opportunity to always be by their side, to watch them grow while they are with you.

But, be careful, a successful holiday with your grandchildren does not mean being constantly on their backs! You will see, they will thank you for giving them a little freedom from time to time to occupy themselves alone, to play with cousins ​​or, for teenagers, to go for a walk with friends they met at your vacation spot, for example.

Grandparents who too often give instructions to their grandchildren when they have them on vacation is synonymous with anxiety. Not easy in this case to spend a serene and successful holiday with your grandchildren…!

Failing to anticipate the small and major health problems that may affect your grandchildren

Especially if you are going on vacation with your grandchildren away from home, if you are lucky enough to be able to offer them a stay with you by the sea, in the mountains or in the countryside, do not make the mistake of not think of everything that can be linked to health problems, with the risk of finding yourself deprived if your grandchildren fall ill for example.

A mistake not to make especially if some of your grandchildren already suffer in the year from problems such as asthma, allergies, or even anxiety attacks among others.

In the case of recurring health problems, do not forget to take their usual prescription with you. The management of their state of health will be greatly facilitated.

In addition to the management of more or less serious illnesses, the holidays, and in particular the summer, are conducive to a whole bunch of more or less serious injuries for your grandchildren. From the bite of a mosquito or jellyfish to falling off a bike, passing through a sore throat, a thorn in the foot, etc.

So as not to spoil your holidays with your grandchildren, remember to always have a small basic medicine box with you to deal with all the sores quickly. A good way also to reassure your grandchildren, and to be thanked by their big hugs afterwards!