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5 ideas for outdoor activities to do with your grandchildren

5 ideas for outdoor activities to do with your grandchildren

Vacation time has arrived for schoolchildren. Many grandparents will have the pleasure of welcoming their grandchildren during the summer months. If these moments are synonymous with joy for the little ones as for the grandparents, it is also necessary to think of occupying them! Fortunately, sunny days are an opportunity to invent and practice many outdoor activities with them. Our 5 ideas for outdoor activities to put into practice.

1- A water balloon fight

Ball games are certainly the easiest to organize for his grandchildren who are always fond of this type of activity and which also allow them to release their energy. They do not require special equipment and can be done in the garden of a house, during a walk in the countryside, on the beach, etc.

But, for the greatest pleasure of your grandchildren, and for guaranteed moments of shared laughter, you can, especially on very hot days, spice up this type of outdoor activity. You only need simple balloons that you fill with water. Then, form teams (in which you will participate of course!) and establish rules of the game similar, for example, to those of the dodgeball. Whoever has received the most balloons filled with water and therefore gets wet will have lost.

2- Create a chalk mural

With chalk, you can, together with your grandchildren, let your imagination run wild and develop creative talents, young and old alike. All you need is a surface outside that accepts chalk drawings.

This fun activity can be an opportunity, for example, to create a large fresco on a theme defined in advance such as animals, flowers, cartoon heroes, family, etc.

3- A giant mikado

If you are looking for an outdoor activity that appeals to the skill of your grandchildren as much as yours, you can make a giant mikado in your garden using items that you have on hand or that you can craft with the kids if they like a little tinkering.

You need a garden fence for this, which you install upright on the lawn in a rounded shape. Then pass pieces of wood horizontally through the meshes of the base of the fence. Arrange balls on top. Then it's about getting your grandkids to carefully remove those pieces of wood without dropping the balls. Of course, you can also take part in this game of skill to the delight of your grandchildren!

4- A treasure hunt in the middle of nature

The holidays are often the occasion for beautiful walks in the countryside, in the forest, or even by the sea. Take advantage of these moments in the heart of nature to organize an unusual treasure hunt for your grandchildren.

On the occasion of a picnic, for example, take some time to hide small objects around you, in the hole of a tree, in the sand of a beach, under leaves, etc. Your grandchildren will be very happy to play the adventurers to find the maximum of these objects and bring them back to you triumphantly!

5- A throwing game

Throwing games are suitable for both the youngest of your grandchildren and the oldest and are easy to organize outdoors. In addition, they do not require specific materials.

For example, you can use simple paper plates, have your grandchildren decorate them with numbers for an activity that also wants to be creative, and make small bags filled with rice, pasta or other elements to make them a bit heavy. Then, time to play! The team that has collected the most points by throwing the bags at the plates wins the game.