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3 activities for your rest day

Rest days between your workouts are important. Your muscles need time to repair themselves, which helps you get stronger. That doesn't mean you don't have to do anything at all.

Stay slightly active on your rest day and help your (painful) muscles to recover with one of these activities:

1. Massage yourself with a foam roller

It would be wonderful to get a massage every week, for your wallet it is a little less. The foam roller offers a solution; you can easily give yourself a massage and make tense muscles flexible again. These are some exercises you can do with a foam roller.

Read also: ‘3 reasons to have a rest day‘

2. Hiking

A short walk is also good for you on rest days. Don't get too excited, if you walk 20 kilometers at a brisk pace, you may wonder if you still have a rest day.

3. Stretching

Create length in your tense muscles by gently stretching. Hold each stretch for 30 seconds.