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Preventing Running Injuries

Around us we notice that running is still gaining in popularity. Unfortunately, more and more people are also sustaining running injuries.

Last year, 710,000 people suffered a running injury. In 2013 this was 640,000 runners and 610,000 in 2012. The number of injuries is increasing, especially among novice runners.

With these tips you can prevent injuries

1. Walk in the right shoes

You don't know if running is for you, so you start your first round in worn-out sneakers. While it will save you money, it is not so wise. Good running shoes reduce the risk of injury. Which shoe is right for your feet depends on how you walk and what part of your foot you land on. If in doubt, ask for advice in a specialized sports shop.

2. Build up your training in a good way

Is it better to stretch before or after your run? Opinions differ on that. Everyone agrees on one thing:you can't just start at full speed. Therefore, as a warm-up, warm up for at least a few minutes.

3. In addition to running, do other sports

To prevent injuries, you can train the muscles in your calves, thighs, ankles and feet in addition to running. Running shortens your muscles, so stretch regularly and don't forget to train your upper body.

4. Take enough rest

Once you get the hang of it, you want to build up your running as quickly as possible. Understandable, but rest is really very important. Stick to a running schedule and build in enough rest days.

5. Join a running group

You can easily run alone. If you have little experience, it may be wise to join a running group. Here you can learn from others and improve your posture and running technique.

On Prevention you will find tips for various sports to prevent injuries.

Read also
> How do you deal with an injury?
> Injury:cooling or heating?
> Do you get injured faster when it's cold?