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5 rules for running together

Running together is fun and it motivates you to really go. But how do you find a running buddy that suits you and how can you be a good running partner in crime yourself?

1. Choose your running buddy wisely

Your best friend doesn't necessarily have to be your ideal running buddy. It is more important that your goals match and that you can be honest with each other.

Read also: "What can you do better:running outside or running on the treadmill?"

2. Stay positive

You run together to motivate each other. If you always complain, you achieve the opposite. Before you know it you are in a negative spiral together. Rather discuss positive topics and cheer each other up while running together.

3. Be on time

If you've agreed with your running buddy, you can't linger on the couch. It is an extra stick behind the door, which makes it extra annoying if you keep the other person waiting.

4. There is room for exceptions

At some point, something may intervene, causing either of you to be late or have to cancel. That can happen. If you think it happens too often, discuss it.

5. Be honest

Honesty is important. Do you prefer to run with someone who is faster, or would you rather run with someone who is less fanatical, then dare to indicate that.