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3 questions to ask yourself before registering for a running competition

Sometimes you just have to do it, sign up for a run and go for it. If you feel a slight doubt, you can ask yourself these 3 questions to make the decision.

1. Why am I registering for this running competition?
Do you need a challenge? Is it a special route? Or do you mainly register under peer pressure or because it is a popular competition? In the latter two cases, you should reconsider your motives.

2. Is it realistic to participate in this competition?
To participate in a running race you need time to train. It is not the intention that you incur injuries, so it is important to draw up a feasible training schedule.

3. Do I have enough time to train?
Training for a race can be quite time consuming. Depending on how much you already run and what distance you want to run, you may need to train more than you do now. If there's a lot going on in your life right now, training for a run can become too much.

What running races do you have planned?
