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4 tips before you start with HIIT

4 useful tips to read before you go to your first High-intensity interval training.

1. Take rest when instructed
During the exercises you have to give everything. You rest for 30 seconds in between. Those 30 seconds fly by, try to make the most of the rest.

2. Drink in advance
Exercise makes you thirsty, but when you have to give everything in a short time, it doesn't feel good when the water sloshes in your stomach. Make sure you have drunk enough in the hours before you start exercising and drink enough afterwards.

3. Focus on the technique
If you are not yet very familiar with the HIIT exercises, it is best to first focus on performing the exercises correctly. If that means you can do fewer reps, so be it!

4. Keep moving
If you really, really can't keep it up, do an easier version of the exercise or at least keep moving.

More tips for your first HIIT>>