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Air travel:10 tips to be serene when you are a senior

Air travel:10 tips to be serene when you are a senior

You are a senior and are enjoying your retirement. You are right. This year, you decide to take the plane to reach a sunny destination, but quite far away. You will have to wait while sitting in your chair for long hours. The air of nothing, a long plane ride is tiring for a senior and even more so if you are not traveling first class. Here are some tips that will allow you to travel more serenely.

1 - Preparing for your plane trip

It is better to prepare your trip by plane so as not to have any unpleasant surprises at the last moment. Thus, you can choose the option to check in your luggage the night before of your departure with certain airlines. Your printed boarding pass allows you not to enter long queues. You can also reserve your seat wherever it suits you best. If you are traveling in a wheelchair, there is a free escort service to pick you up from the airport to your plane.

2 - Preliminary medical check

If in any case, you suffer from a chronic illness , it is advisable to consult your doctor before leaving. Your doctor may prescribe specific treatments for your condition. If your destination requires vaccinations, don't get them at the last minute, but at least four to six weeks before you leave.

3 - Medical documents

Before boarding, if you go to see your doctor, ask him to write a letter in English indicating your state of health and any medications you are taking. If you have a pacemaker or a prosthesis, make him mention it, because you will “ring” the security doors.

4 - Insurance

Before leaving, make sure that you are properly insured for the destination you are going to. If not, take out additional insurance including emergency repatriation. Please note that a large number of bank cards offer this option.

5 - Have hand luggage with you

Above all, remember to prepare your hand luggage which will be your essential ally for the whole time of your long journey. Inside, slip your favorite magazines and the book you're reading with passion. If you prefer the e-reader, be sure to recharge it before slipping it into your luggage. You can also bring headphones if you want to watch a movie during your trip and not disturb your neighbors. Finally, take a kit with toothbrush, toothpaste, cream and everything you need to refresh yourself.

6 - Choose a method to be able to sleep

If your journey is very long, despite the activities you have planned, you need to rest and get some sleep. You can put an eye mask to make you fall asleep more easily. Be aware that there are not in all planes. You must therefore obtain one before taking off. Once you wake up and want to prolong your sleep, change your position to feel less the effects of fatigue and aches when you arrive

7 - Dress comfortably

So that your vacation starts in good conditions, dress in casual clothes providing you with the greatest comfort. Avoid clothes that are too tight. Do not hesitate to wear several layers of clothing and to take them out as you go according to the variation in temperature. If you are over 60 and have swollen legs, you can wear compression stockings that will also protect you from the cold, especially if you are close to the window.

8 - Food and drink

When traveling by plane over a long distance, avoid dishes that are too rich and too heavy . Indeed, if you have to enter areas of turbulence, having nothing on your stomach is easier. At the same time, it is advisable to drink plenty of water so that you will tolerate the air conditioning better and can also avoid having cramps in the calves.

9 - Do not hesitate to call a hostess or steward

Air hostesses and stewards are there to be at your disposal when necessary and thus improve your trip. Don't be afraid to disturb them if you need to eat, drink, or feel unwell. In these cases, always use one of these crew members . Be aware that the flight personnel have always received the necessary training to give first aid in the event of an emergency.

10 - Pay attention

In all journeys, there are malicious people. They are usually looking to grab a wallet or cash very quickly. To avoid this kind of inconvenience, do not put your wallet in your pants pockets. It is better to favor a chest bag zipper that you slip under your clothes. Thus, even while sleeping, you are safe from a pickpocket.

Once all these conditions have been met or verified, you can sit back in your chair with complete peace of mind and immediately feel like you're on vacation as soon as you take off.