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Computer or tablet:where and how to learn when you are a senior?

Computer or tablet:where and how to learn when you are a senior?

Nearly 80% of people aged 60 to 69 and 52% of those over 70 have a home computer in 2017. A third of the former and 21% of the latter are equipped with a touchscreen tablet, according to the Digital Barometer 2017 from the French Electronic Communications and Postal Regulatory Authority (Arcep), the General Council for the Economy (CGE) and the Digital Agency, produced by the Research Center for the Study and Observation of living conditions (Crédoc).

83% of people aged 60-69 and 57% of people aged 70 and over have an internet connection at home. Equipment and access to these new technologies have developed strongly in recent years among seniors. However, for a certain number of them, handling a computer or a tablet, as well as browsing the Internet, were not part of their professional or private habits. This is why many solutions have emerged to help seniors master their computers as well as possible, because you are never too old to learn computers.

Private computer lessons

There is nothing like private lessons with computer teachers to teach seniors how to use new technologies such as computers or tablets. Being able to benefit from a face-to-face teacher who is entirely dedicated to the questions of the elderly is certainly the best way to understand a technique still unknown to seniors and which often puts them off.

Benefiting from private lessons is also the assurance that the teacher will put himself at the level of the senior and that he will progress at his own pace. Such personalized courses may relate to a basic introduction to computers, may have the objective of getting to know computer equipment and systems or even to train in certain software.

Offering private computer lessons to your parents or grandparents for a birthday or Christmas is an idea that is as useful as it is original, think about it!

Note: these computer courses can generally be paid for using the universal service employment check (CESU), like all personal services at home.

Online computer courses

With the enthusiasm of seniors for computers and the internet, many online courses have emerged. Some of them are even free. For beginners, specific applications allow the person to progress step by step, step by step, at their own pace. The senior can learn easily, and from home, for example to write and send an email, upload a photo or even learn to browse the internet and make purchases or carry out administrative procedures.

These online courses also make it possible to introduce seniors to social networks and use them to correspond with their families, send photos, but also to follow the activity of the associations where they are volunteers, for example.

Computer courses via an associative network

Many associations have also seen the benefit of offering courses for seniors to learn how to master a computer, tablet or internet. These structures are located at the local level, in a district, in town or in rural areas, as close as possible to the elderly wishing to train in computer science. These courses are mostly offered in the form of digital workshops where seniors learn to use a USB key, to get started on a tablet or computer, or to discover the secrets of digital operating systems for the most interested. .

These group lessons have the advantage of being most of the time offered at very reasonable prices. These moments are also an opportunity for seniors to meet other seniors in their situation and why not to make acquaintances.