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Top 3 Central American destinations to visit when you are retired

Top 3 Central American destinations to visit when you are retired

Costa Rica, Mexico and Cuba are the three top destinations in Central America. All three different, these pearls of the Caribbean and the Pacific offer visitors unique and paradisiacal landscapes, contain extremely rich cultural heritage, as well as a very varied fauna and flora. These three countries are also very open and easily accessible to tourists who will inevitably return delighted with their stay.

Costa Rica

Costa Rica is one of the most beautiful countries in Central America, located between the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. Its landscapes are magnificent, grandiose and very diverse. From volcanoes to sumptuous waterfalls, through tropical forests, lush vegetation and beaches lined with coconut palms, Costa Rica offers its visitors, whether sporty or contemplative, many treasures.

In a little over two weeks, you can completely discover this country of a thousand facets by choosing, for example, a discovery tour of the great national parks of Costa Rica, which cover 25% of its territory, such as those of Tortuguero, nicknamed the Central American Amazon, and Manuel Antonio. Or, prefer the discovery of volcanoes, hot springs or the sunny beaches of Costa Rica. Its tourist structures are of a very good standard and perfectly adapted to welcoming families or seniors. It is a very easy country to visit, quiet and with very welcoming inhabitants.


Mexico is the must-see Central American country. For lovers of large metropolises, its capital, Mexico City, is an impressive city that absolutely must be discovered. But Mexico is above all a great cultural diversity, historical and natural sites and fabulous beaches. History buffs will also be delighted by the discovery of Mayan sites, such as Chichén Itzà or Tulum, bordered by the turquoise waters of the Caribbean. Fans of idleness, you can also choose to bask in the largest Mexican seaside resort in the Pacific, Puerto Vallarta or in the small village of Puerto Morelos, on the shores of the Caribbean Sea, very close to Cancún. Mexico is also a country with a colonial past that has left its mark, particularly in terms of architecture.

The accommodation offer is very varied in Mexico. It ranges from luxury hotels to hammocks, passing through completely acceptable "average" category establishments! All budgets have the opportunity to find the ideal accommodation in Mexico.


Located halfway between the United States, to the north, and Latin America, to the south, the archipelago of Cuba, the largest island in the Caribbean, is a region quite apart. It is a still poor country, which was notably marked by a Revolution, but culturally extremely rich and with dazzling architecture. Land of salsa, rumba and rum, Cuba is full of treasures to discover, from fauna to flora, passing through marvelous natural sites or the plantations of the best tobacco in the world. It is also the place in the world where you can bask on the most paradisiacal beaches. You can also discover cities classified as World Heritage by Unesco such as Havana, Trinidad and Santa Clara.

Cuba is a unique destination, where the change of scenery is total, totally secure whether for families or the elderly. As a bonus, the sun is present all year round. To know:to discover the life of Cubans as closely as possible, guest houses are in full expansion.