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With these tips you will feel good again

Sometimes you don't quite have your day and you just don't feel comfortable in your own body. Your hair isn't right, you don't have anything nice in your closet (in your opinion) and your mood is a bit low. That is sometimes not a bad thing, but you prefer to go through the day cheerfully, right? Thanks to these tips you will remind yourself that you can be there, you are more confident, you smile at everyone and you feel good in your outfit.

While it's nice to linger in it, it doesn't do much good for the rest of the day. You can write it off with this one. With these tips you will get through the day happily.

Enjoy sports as an outlet

Exercise is healthy for body and mind. You feel physically strong and fit and you can therefore take on the whole world. Choose a sport that you enjoy, because otherwise it will be harder to keep up. If you like to be in company, then it is best to choose a fun team sport such as football, volleyball or maybe badminton. Or go dancing or play tennis. There are so many possibilities. Can't or don't want to join a gym or sports club for whatever reason? Then get moving at home. Turn on your favorite music and dance around the room. Take a walk to the city instead of taking your bike. Score a racing bike on Marktplaats for next to nothing and race your legs. You can then empty your head, while you also work on a healthy and toned body. Two birds with one stone!

Choose a nice outfit

A good start to feeling good is putting on a nice and well-fitting outfit. You often feel more beautiful when you feel like you look nice. And you radiate that to others. It starts with the basics, your underwear. There is nothing more annoying than underwear that does not fit well. You feel it all day long and it doesn't look good under your clothes. So pay some attention to your underwear when you go shopping, because it is quite important. Try out different types and brands. For example, you can go for Calvin Klein underpants. Then you know for sure that you have got a good quality. It's nice if your underwear also lasts a long time and you don't have to buy new ones every month because things fall apart.

Even if you sometimes think you have nothing left in your closet, the opposite is often true. So take a step back and take a fresh look at what you have. Try new combinations and you'll have a whole new wardrobe without spending any money! Otherwise a day of shopping is of course also allowed, sometimes you really need something new. With a nice outfit you are instantly happy and shine you all day long.

Speak positively to yourself

Negative thoughts can pop up and run through your head throughout the day. When you go to bed your head is full and when you get up they are still there. That way you won't lose them for the rest of the day. What you want is to change the negative thoughts into positive thoughts. That seems easier than it is, but it is certainly possible. It's also just a matter of practice. And some days it works better than others. Make it a little easier on yourself by hanging notes with uplifting quotes in your room or house, so that you are confronted with them often. So go ahead, speak positively to yourself and you will automatically walk down the street with a smile.

Do something nice for someone else

Roll up your sleeves and do something nice for someone else. That can be something as small as smiling at someone in the supermarket. That makes you happy, but so does the other! It can mean so much to someone. Spontaneously bring your parents a bunch of flowers, write a sweet card for your best friend or do volunteer work. And yes, there is also quite a selfish reason behind it. Because when you do something good for someone else, you still feel a little better about yourself. It makes you happy and your feeling of happiness grows. It also helps you to think more positively about yourself. Moreover, positivity always comes back to you. As the saying goes:He who does good, meets good. And so it is.

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