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What you need to know before you start Pilates (incl. video!)

Are you planning to do Pilates at home? With these tips you prepare well and immediately get the most out of your exercises. In addition, this prevents the risk of injuries.

Let a professional explain the basic rules to you

Find an experienced Pilates visitor or teacher nearby. There is also a lot to be found on the internet and YouTube. For example, there are tutorials from experienced Pilates teachers. It is important that you learn the intricacies of exercises. There are many exercises with only a subtle difference.

Read also: '5 tips to keep up with sports at home'

Stay positive and be realistic

At first it can be demotivating to see everyone else in the group practicing Pilates. Your body needs time to get used to the exercises. You will find that with Pilates 'practice makes perfect' really applies. Be aware of the weaker points of your body and work on them constructively. Draw up a realistic sports schedule together with an instructor.

Keep an eye on your limits

Does a particular exercise hurt? Then stop immediately. A different feeling with a new exercise is not surprising, but pay attention. When you try to force your body over limits, you run the risk of injury faster.

Take your time

Set aside time in your Pilates calendar. Turn off your phone and make sure that nothing or no one can distract you at that moment. In this way, doing Pilates also becomes a moment of rest during the day and you will notice that you are more energetic and relaxed for the rest of the day.

Have patience

Results can be seen quickly if you regularly do Pilates exercises. Be patient and also try the heavier exercises to challenge yourself. You will notice that you will become successful more quickly in practicing Pilates.

Make space

You need a lot of space to do an optimal Pilates exercise. It is therefore not pleasant if you cannot perform your exercises optimally, because there are all kinds of things around you. For example, set your coffee table aside. Do you find it annoying to have to clean up before you start Pilates? Then free up a special corner in your house. Make sure you have a tidy space so that you have as few distractions as possible.

Video:Pilates for beginners