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What you need to know about artificial insemination

Artificial insemination:in which cases?

Artificial insemination is a widely used technique today. It is mainly intended for women who are unable to get pregnant due to ovulation problems, abnormalities of the cervix... It is also recommended for couples if the man has ejaculation problems or if his semen is not of good quality. This method will introduce sperm directly into the woman's uterus through a small tube, increasing the chances of fertilization. It is also used in case of sperm donation, for example if the man is sterile.

Artificial insemination:on what condition?

In France, the law governing artificial insemination is very strict. To benefit from this method of medically assisted procreation, you must be in a couple, married or cohabiting, and have lived together for at least two years. Both members of the couple must also be of childbearing age. They must sign a consent form before initiating the procedure. Clearly, artificial insemination is refused, for example, to single women who wish to have a baby alone, with a sperm donation. In this case, they are forced to go abroad, to certain countries where the legislation is more flexible.

Artificial insemination:what success rate?

On average, the success rate of artificial insemination (in other words, the probability of getting pregnant) is about 15% each cycle. It should be noted that this rate decreases with age:it is thus 5% or even less around 42 years of age. Five to six attempts of artificial insemination are possible. In case of failure, it will be necessary to turn to another method, such as in vitro fertilization.