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10 tips to help you choose your swimming pool for your grandchildren

10 tips to help you choose your swimming pool for your grandchildren The swimming pool is probably the highlight of the garden, or at least of garden games. There is no shortage of models, so when the desire comes to fruition, it is not always obvious which one to choose. Here are some tips to guide your choice according to your expectations and your needs, or rather those of your grandchildren.

What do the regulations tell us?

In the case of an above-ground swimming pool, the question of regulations does not arise since no particular rule is required. On the other hand, for buried and semi-buried pools, it will depend on the surface.

  • Below 10 m², no particular procedure is necessary, it can be installed without a building permit whether it is above ground or inground, unless you live in a protected area.
  • Beyond 10 m² and up to 100 m², a prior request for work must be sent to the town planning department using the corresponding cerfa form. Before that, it will be up to you to consult the Local Urbanism Plan of your municipality to find out about the rules in force (distance of the dividing fence from the neighbour, dimensions, etc.).
  • Above 100 m², you will need to apply for a building permit from the town planning department of your municipality. By increasing the rental value, it will probably subject you to the payment of a tax through the property tax.

How to choose a swimming pool for children?

Several criteria must be taken into account, whether it is the safety of children or the assurance of good water quality. It will then be up to you to make the right choice according to the use that will be made of it.

The type of swimming pool

Several types of swimming pools exist:inground, semi-buried, above-ground tubular, inflatable or other, with pump or not. Depending on the project you have in mind, the first selection criterion will be this.

  • The in-ground swimming pool:A declaration of work is required beyond 10 m², as well as a tax declaration of the swimming pool. Earthworks will also be required. Thus, if it will certainly increase the value of your home, it undeniably represents a substantial budget. It can be concrete, wood, with a polyester shell, steel or stone. Your choice will be based on what you are looking for:durability, authenticity, practicality, naturalness or design.
  • The semi-buried swimming pool:It has an above-ground part and an in-ground part. The choice of a semi-buried pool will be interesting on sloping or uneven ground. The procedures and types of structure will be identical to the in-ground swimming pool.
  • The above-ground pool:This is the choice of simplicity and mobility, for a more reasonable budget. Inflatable, tubular or self-supporting, there is no shortage of models to satisfy your desires.

A suitable size

The choice of the size of your swimming pool will first depend on the space available in your garden. Better not to see too big in small gardens, at the risk of destroying the aesthetics and charm of each for a rough rendering. Also, the swimming pool must be chosen according to the number of children who will play there, by adding why not grandpa and grandma swimming enthusiasts! It's up to you to decide how it will be used:paddling pool, water games, tricks, swimming or relaxation pool. As an indication, a standard size pool is estimated at around 32 m², less than 10 m² for small pools, and a minimum length of 10 m for swimming lanes.


Since 2004, the securing of buried or semi-buried outdoor swimming pools has been legally compulsory, using one of these devices:barrier, alarm, cover, shutters or swimming pool enclosure. Each year, approximately 1700 accidental drownings are recorded, of which 7% are caused by an accident in a private family swimming pool. Drowning remains the main cause of accidental death in young children during the summer. If the equipment protects against accidents outside bathing periods, it is essential to keep these bathing times under permanent supervision by at least one adult. 15 cm is enough for this walnut tree! After 1 minute underwater, the chance of survival without sequelae is 95%, which is reduced to 25% after 6 minutes underwater, then to 3% after 8 minutes. Zero risk does not exist, so let's stay vigilant. Beyond vigilance, think about armbands or buoys, maintaining a non-slip floor, and regularly explaining to your grandchildren the risks taken in the pool.

Beware of depth!

Be careful not to choose a pool with too much bottom, depending on the age of your grandchildren. If it is a play pool, ideally the water should not exceed mid-bust height when seated. If there is an age gap between your grandchildren, it would be better to provide a small paddling pool next to the teenage pool. Apart from safety, which is obviously essential, keep in mind that the deeper the pool, the longer it will take to heat up to a pleasant temperature. If the depth is not useful, it is better to abstain.

A look at the equipment

From essentials to gadgets, swimming pools can be purchased equipped with several accessories:stairs, lighting, diving boards, cup rests for larger pools; inflatable basketball hoop, plastic balls, water jets, slide for the pools of the little ones. Depending on the number and age of your grandchildren, even gadgets can be very useful for them to have a good time playing and relaxing under the benevolent eyes of grandpa and grandma.

Ease of maintenance

Whichever swimming pool you choose, regular and rigorous maintenance will be essential. From the simple landing net to collect insects on the surface, to the pool robot that cleans all the walls, there is no shortage of cleaning tools to maintain your pool. The choice will mainly depend on the size and depth of it.

The filtration system

Its action represents 80% of water maintenance for clear water. Several types of filtration exist, depending on the size and type of your pool. The favorite is the sand filter, but in reality it is not the most efficient, largely outperformed by the cartridge filter, the diatomaceous earth filter or even the multimedia filter for much finer filtration.

Water treatment

To the maintenance equipment and the filtration system, you must add the water treatment products necessary to guarantee the quality of the water and prevent the formation of bacteria, algae and microbes. The water must be treated with oxidizing and disinfecting products. If chlorine is the best known, it is often a source of skin irritation, especially in children. Bromine is more recommended, generally better tolerated because much less irritating, it is also much more effective than chlorine by its bactericidal, fungicidal and virucidal qualities. Be careful, however, to dose it correctly, according to the dosage indicated for the number of m3 of water, in order to avoid allergic reactions such as eczema, redness, conjunctivitis, cough or even rhinitis.

Other chemical-free alternatives exist, less known and often more expensive. These are copper-silver ionization, ultraviolet rays or even salt electrolysis.

Water balance

Water treatment products should not risk irritating the skin of your grandchildren. Also, it is important to regularly check the pH, TH and TAC of the water to rebalance the treatment products if necessary.

  • The pH is the Hydrogen potential:It indicates whether the water is more acidic or more basic, also known as alkaline, from 0 to 14. Your pool must have a neutral pH, i.e. pH7. Below it will be too acidic, above it will be alkaline.
  • The TH is the Hydrotimetric Title:It indicates the hardness of the water, i.e. the overall content of calcium and magnesium salts, which will indicate whether the water is very soft, soft, moderately hard or very hard. Ideally, your pool water should be soft, with a TH ranging from 0.8 to 1.5 mmol/l.
  • The TAC is the Complete Alkalimetric Title:It measures the concentration of mineral elements in the water. It should be around 150 mg/l.

To do this, the colorimetric strips found in stores are probably the easiest to use. There are also reactive liquids to pour into the water, or electronic testers that you can get in specialized stores.

The budget

As an estimate, it will take between 7,000 and 45,000€ for an inground or semi-inground pool. This huge difference can be explained by the choice of material, and for each of them, the choice of pool range, as well as the formula chosen:in a "ready to assemble" kit for DIY enthusiasts who will not be afraid of roll up their sleeves, or "ready to dive in", fully installed by a professional.

Finally, the above-ground pool is unquestionably the most accessible. Count all the same up to 10 000€ for the most qualitative above-ground swimming pools. In the above ground, we can speak of the pool with tubes, tubular or freestanding, up to the final pool with wooden cladding or concrete walls.