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Spending more than 30 minutes in transport would reduce productivity at work

There are two categories of people on earth:those for whom the journey to work in the morning is a relaxing moment that allows them to emerge slowly, and the others who see the distance which separates them from their office as an obstacle course. . And the second group of workers has some reason to be unhappy, since long journeys – with their personal vehicle or on public transport – have been proven to be harmful to their health. VitalityHealth, a health management firm, has indeed conducted a study which shows that trips longer than 30 minutes impact the well-being and productivity of workers, which can contribute to the development of stress and depression.

7 days of productivity gained per year

The conclusions of the research carried out with 34,000 adults are as follows:those who spend less than 30 minutes commuting to their place of work gain an average of 7 days of productivity per year. One of the scientists, Shaun Subel, tells The Huffington Post UK "Along with research into ways to change the work environment so that it is more conducive to well-being and better health, our study suggests that employees should perhaps try to negotiate a relaxation of their working conditions in the name of a better state of mind at work or increased productivity ". Indeed, it is for the good of all! “Giving employees the option to avoid peak hours or to arrange their routine according to their obligations can help reduce stress […] and this has a positive impact on productivity », continues the expert.

Alright, well you know what you have to ask your boss on Monday at work… Good luck!