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Our sense of smell would be more developed than that of dogs

There have been many unfounded thoughts since the 19th century that humans have a bad sense of smell. According to psychology textbooks, we could only smell 10,000 smells. However, the American journal Science published a study this week which shows that humans can smell billions of billions of different odors. Unlike dogs who are known to have an excellent sense of smell, we would be able to smell much more complex smells. For example, when we smell coffee, which contains more than 150 odors, we smell them all even if we are not able to label them all. In fact, we are simply not aware of the capacities of our sense of smell, but if we work on it, then we are able to smell a lot of odor. Tempting!

Smell plays with our emotions

Researchers have found that smell affects our emotional state. For example, when we smell something burning or blood, we worry, just as we easily associate a smell with a memory. In addition, scientists reveal that with age, the quality of our sense of smell declines, which can lead to memory problems, neurological diseases, and even create psychological disorders. That's why it can be beneficial to work on your sense of smell a little, whether it's with wine or the spices you have at home!