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Knitting would have great benefits against anxiety and depression

Knitting has long been considered a nerdy hobby that belongs to another time. But the great trend of "Do It Yourself" whether in terms of ready-to-wear or decoration has put it back on the front of the stage and has even made it a very visible activity. But in addition to the “hype” side of the practice, knitting above all has many health benefits, as shown by a survey carried out by the British organization Knit For Peace, which dresses people in need. She took up two telling studies:one from Harvard Medical School which claims that knitting reduces heart rate and blood pressure, and another from the renowned Mayo Clinic – an American hospital-university and research federation – which states that amateurs knitwear are 30 to 50% less likely to suffer from cognitive disorders such as dementia. Research leads to the same conclusions:the practice of knitting would help to fight effectively against anxiety, depression and chronic pain, in addition to alleviating loneliness and improving the feeling of well-being. Yes, the list of benefits is considerable!

70% saw their health improve

Encouraged by such results, the Knit For Peace organization itself organized a survey of 1,000 of its volunteers. 70% of them said that the activity had improved their general health, mainly because it made them feel relaxed. More than 25% blame it for a drop in their blood pressure, while 10.7% say they manage their chronic pain better:they have managed to relax their muscles and relieve the pain associated with osteoarthritis. “Many studies suggest that knitting has psychological and physical benefits […] It is an activity that can be practiced until a very advanced age, even when strength and sight begin to drop significantly “, Says the report written by the charity. And in addition, it reinforces the feeling of accomplishment... Yes, you have created a beautiful decorative object/clothing with your own hands at a lower cost! So, what are we waiting for to start?