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Letting your dog sleep in the bedroom would promote good sleep

This is one of the first rules that a master teaches his dog:respect everyone's space, especially the corners reserved for sleeping. While some people are happy for Fido to take up residence in their bed, others, on the other hand, are categorical:it's out of the question for him to walk through the bedroom door, or even climb the stairs. And yet, it would seem that it is the first who are sometimes qualified as lax who are right, since letting your animal sleep near you would promote quality sleep according to a recent study. Scientists at the Mayo Clinic in Phoenix in the US state of Arizona have indeed carried out a telling experiment:they observed 40 adults who did not suffer from any sleep disorder and their dogs for 5 months. They provided the owners with devices to measure their nighttime activity and that of their dog as well as the sleeping habits of the two companions for 7 nights. And the results are clear:having your dog in the same room ensures a better night's sleep, regardless of the breed of doggie in question.

Next to or at the foot of the bed

But, there is a but. These conclusions only apply under very specific conditions:only if the dog is in a small niche next to the bed or at the foot of the bed, but not under the covers. Indeed, falling asleep while cuddling your pet can have the opposite effects and thus reduce sleep quality, largely because dogs and cats can get restless during the night. So how to explain the benefits of the presence of Médor or Félix? This is simply due to a feeling of comfort and security according to the study's author, Dr. Lois Krahn. “Many handlers spend the day away from their animal. So they want to make the most of them when they are at home. Keeping them close to you in the bedroom at night is a good way to do this “, she explains to the site Metro . And to continue:“Most people think that animals in the bedroom are an annoyance. […] The relationship between humans and pets has evolved, which is why a large proportion of masters allow pets into the bedroom. Now they can sleep soundly knowing that [their hairball] won't have a negative impact on their sleep ". Let's recap:ok to let your Labrador get comfortable in the bedroom, but not under the duvet. Lesson learned!