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Did you know:sport (really) improves our sleep!

As we know, physical activity brings the body only benefits. But one thing we weren't sure about was the link between the sport you practice and the quality of sleep. Notice to insomniacs, this article is for you. And if you do not play sports, you will have to seriously think about getting into it. During sport, our body produces cortisol . A good level of cortisol, allows you to sleep well . On the other hand, if this stress hormone has a low level, you will certainly have sleep disorders . Physical exercise can, among other things, raise this level of cortisol. According to theories, the total duration of sleep and the duration of deep sleep also increase after high energy expenditure .

Link between sleep and physical activity

Dr. Verena Senn, neurobiologist and sleep specialist explains that "current research shows that physical activity maintains the balance between the nervous systems sympathetic and parasympathetic . It determines, for example, whether we are tense or relaxed, but also influences our digestion , our blood pressure , our heartbeat , our breathing rate, our body temperature and our emotional states. Besides our internal clock, which is responsible for regulating our wake-sleep cycle, the healthy interplay between our sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems is crucial to falling asleep easily and getting a good quality night’s sleep . So to take care of yourself and your sleep, it is important to exercise regularly. »

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